October 7, 2011


At this current moment, my feet are propped up on a big rock next to a pleasant little fire that is cackling away. The only sound I hear is the distant hum of the highway muffled by the sound of crickets. Glancing up from my seat, the brightest moon I've ever seen is gleaming down at me through the dusky fall leaves. And tonight...I'm thankful. A bit melancholy and thoughtful too, but still, thankful.

Sometimes I breeze through life with days that jumble together like a puzzle that's been dumped from its box. None of the pieces really appear to fit and I just push on through the assignments that are due, the trivial issues my position here at the school presents, and the business. All the while those quiet wishes and hopes I have are bunkered down until those couple of moments when I whisper them to my Saviour before falling asleep each night. Only, those few painfully honest prayers before bed are left behind as soon as the sun rises each morning and the cycle begins again.

But tonight, I'm sitting here in the quiet of this absolutely gorgeous night and I mull through all those thoughts that I have no time for during most days. It's nice sometimes, to just calm down and have a heart-to-heart with the Lord and realize that all along He has just been waiting for me to share it with Him. He sits here beside me and comforts, "Oh, child, have I not promised, come unto Me, and I will give you rest?" So, I gather all the emotions, questions, misunderstanding, and more, and hand them over to His capable hands. It's these kind of moments I sit back and realize, "Hey...I'm alright." Not because of me, I only tend to muddle things up all the more, but because of a God who does all things well.

The realization of these thoughts and promises brings sweet hymns and verses to mind and I smile as they are hummed here in the darkness. I like these quiet times with Him, they ease all of the anxiousness for whatever it is I'm waiting for and leave a contentment only He can bring.

Nights like these whisper with the calm assurance of the promise that God is so good. And that makes nights like these precious.


  1. such a beautiful post. thanks for following my blog.

  2. Thank you! I appreciate you following my blog, as well. :) God bless!
